Categoril (Word Hunting-Esm Kartil) is a new card game based on the well-known traditional word game called Categories (In German: Stadt, Land, Fluss).
The box consists of two decks of cards: The Alphabet deck, and the Subject deck. The main goal of the game is to generate a word that starts with a specific letter and related to a specific subject!
Categoril can be played in 4 different methods:
a real-time version, a turn-based push your luck version, and a team-based version in which one of the team members holds his breath (inspired by Kabaddi!) while his partner tries to match the letters with subjects as fast as s/he can!

⬤ Components:
Alphabet Cards 28x
Subject Cards 28x
Tin Box Pocket-Size: 107x82x25 mm
Weight: 156 g
⬤ Game Specs.:
Genre: Party Game, Word Game
Age: 7+
Players: 2 to 12
Time: 10 to 45 Mins (Depends on the number of players and the method)
Certified Game from RoomizGames.com 2018
⬤ Categoril BGG Profile: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/273646/word-hunting
⬧ You can purchase Categoril from Alangoo.com.